Junior U16 Supra League Finals


13 - 14 Apr 2024

Local Time 2025-03-06 19:19:35
Junior Coed Outdoor

2 - 2
Pool C
1 - 3
Pool C
Camb City
1 - 2
Pool D
Taunton Vale
6 - 3
Pool D
Team Bath
0 - 5
Pool A
City of York
0 - 5
Pool B
0 - 1
Pool A
Sutton Coldfield
1 - 7
Pool B
1 - 3
Pool C
Taunton Vale
4 - 3
Pool D
1 - 4
Pool C
Camb City
2 - 1
Pool D
1 - 0
Pool A
Team Bath
2 - 1
Pool A
2 - 2
Pool B
Camb City
Taunton Vale
5 - 3
Pool D
1 - 2
Pool D
1 - 1
Pool C
2 - 2
Pool C
Team Bath
3 - 4
Pool A
City of York
0 - 8
Pool B
2 - 1
Pool A
5 - 0
U16 Boys T1 5/6 Play Off
Camb City
0 - 1
U16 Boys T1 3/4 Play Off
Taunton Vale
2 - 2
U16 Boys T1 7/8 Play Off
1 - 1 (4 - 3 SO)
U16 Boys T1 Final
1 - 2
U16 Girls T1 5/6 Play Off
1 - 3
U16 Girls T1 Final
Sutton Coldfield
0 - 1
U16 Girls T1 3/4 Play Off
Team Bath
City of York
5 - 2
U16 Girls T1 7/8 Play Off
Goal Scorers
Day 2 after 32 games played - April 14
FG - Field Goal, PC - Penalty Corner, PS - Penalty Stroke
Team # Player FG PC PS Goals
Surbiton U16 Girls 70 YONGE Izzy 7 2 0 9
Wimbledon 50 BARNETT Phoebe 5 0 0 5
Wotton Under Edge Hockey Club 33 EDWARDS Isaac 1 3 0 4
City of York U16 Boys 27 GAUNT-EDWARDS Aidan 3 1 0 4
Surbiton U16 Girls 8 OSBORNE Sophie 3 0 1 4
Taunton Vale 46 BARNETT Ben 0 3 0 3
Taunton Vale 98 BLACKWELL Jack 3 0 0 3
Repton 71 EWART-WHITE Rocco 2 1 0 3
Team Bath Buccaneers 267 LASCELLES Nina 3 0 0 3
Sevenoaks 10 NELSON Laoise 0 3 0 3
Sutton Coldfield 23 PUGH Scarlett 1 0 2 3
Taunton Vale 107 REW Tom 3 0 0 3
Canterbury 14 SURRIDGE Will 0 0 3 3
Sevenoaks 130 WRIGHT Millicent 0 2 1 3
Surbiton U16 Girls 30 ALCOVER Monica 0 2 0 2
Surbiton U16 Boys 8 BALLS Toby 0 2 0 2
Cambridge City 6 CLIFTON Teddie 0 2 0 2
Wimbledon 71 ENGLAND Miila 2 0 0 2
Surbiton U16 Boys 10 FORD James 2 0 0 2
Surbiton U16 Girls 21 GLOVER Mathilde 2 0 0 2
Sevenoaks 154 GOSSAGE Olivia 2 0 0 2
City of York U16 Boys 11 LUCAS Jack 1 1 0 2
Southgate 80 MATHEWS Freya 2 0 0 2
Team Bath Buccaneers 315 MUMFORD Kitty 1 1 0 2
Surbiton U16 Boys 13 O'BRIEN Wabi 2 0 0 2
City of York U16 Boys 8 ROTHWELL Noah 2 0 0 2
Team Bath Buccaneers 146 SHAW Ava 2 0 0 2
Cambridge City 8 SMYTHE Ethan 1 1 0 2
Trojans 112 STREET Oliver 1 0 1 2
Trojans 38 WONG Khai-Ren 0 1 1 2
Sutton Coldfield 34 ALLEN Phoebe 1 0 0 1
City of York U16 Boys 9 BAUGHAN-WITHINGTON Luke 0 0 1 1
Sutton Coldfield 10 BEETON Mollie 0 1 0 1
City of York U16 Girls 6 BENSON Francesca 1 0 0 1
Trojans 128 BLAND William 1 0 0 1
Wotton Under Edge Hockey Club 25 BRAY Josh 1 0 0 1
Wotton Under Edge Hockey Club 30 BREWER Fergal 1 0 0 1
Trojans 91 BROCKBANK Dylan 0 0 1 1
Canterbury 4 BURDEN Joey 1 0 0 1
City of York U16 Boys 88 CALDER Finlay 1 0 0 1
Taunton Vale 212 COLBOURNE Hartley 0 1 0 1
City of York U16 Girls 40 COUNCELL Jemima 0 1 0 1
Wotton Under Edge Hockey Club 17 DAY Charlie 1 0 0 1
Cambridge City 14 DENNY-GOULDSON Henry 1 0 0 1
Canterbury 9 DEVEREUX Jonny 1 0 0 1
Surbiton U16 Girls 24 DOPSON Emilia 1 0 0 1
Sevenoaks 356 FOSTER Celia 1 0 0 1
Wimbledon 107 FRANKLIN Isabella 0 1 0 1
Team Bath Buccaneers 144 FRANKLIN-ADAMS Emily 1 0 0 1
Repton 3 FRETWELL William 0 1 0 1
Surbiton U16 Boys 9 GARLICK Dexter 1 0 0 1
Sevenoaks 19 GASCOYNE-DAY Ines 0 1 0 1
Repton 61 GAY Stanley 1 0 0 1
Surbiton U16 Boys 77 GEERING Sam 0 1 0 1
Cambridge City 15 GOLDSMITH Thomas 1 0 0 1
Team Bath Buccaneers 223 GOULD Amelie 1 0 0 1
Sutton Coldfield 35 GREENING Bethan 0 1 0 1
Canterbury 8 HOPKIN Isaac 1 0 0 1
Cambridge City 5 JOURNEAUX Ben 1 0 0 1
Beeston 51 MAURO Jessica 0 1 0 1
Taunton Vale 157 MAYNARD William 1 0 0 1
Sutton Coldfield 110 MCCORMACK Frances 1 0 0 1
Sevenoaks 222 MCKENNA Cailyn 0 0 1 1
Surbiton U16 Girls 14 MILLER Ottilie 0 1 0 1
Trojans 199 OAKLEY Roman 1 0 0 1
Repton 63 ORMOND Hugh 1 0 0 1
Surbiton U16 Girls 2 PERKINS Isla 1 0 0 1
Trojans 193 PICKERING Seth 1 0 0 1
Sutton Coldfield 184 REEVES Mae 0 1 0 1
Trojans 184 ROE James 1 0 0 1
Southgate 87 ROSEN Mia 1 0 0 1
Southgate 62 ROXBURGH Millie 1 0 0 1
City of York U16 Girls 99 SETH Cora 0 1 0 1
Beeston 296 SHIELD Katie 1 0 0 1
Wimbledon 158 STANFORD Sophie 1 0 0 1
Cambridge City 7 THACKRAY Bertie 1 0 0 1
Surbiton U16 Boys 7 THOMPSON Toby 1 0 0 1
Canterbury 10 UPTON Will 1 0 0 1
Beeston 339 WAIN Annabel 0 1 0 1
Cambridge City 10 WARREN Alfred 1 0 0 1
Beeston 216 WILSON Darcie 1 0 0 1
Southgate 83 WOODINGS Edie 1 0 0 1
      87 38 12 137
Day 2 after 32 games played - April 14
Team # Player Red Yellow Green
Beeston 39 CLARKSON Amelie 0 0 1
Beeston 107 PEREZ Sophie 0 0 1
Beeston 123 WARDELL Alex 0 0 1
Beeston 189 SHIELD Charlotte 0 2 0
Beeston 339 WAIN Annabel 0 0 1
Cambridge City 14 DENNY-GOULDSON Henry 0 0 1
Cambridge City 17 FILIONESCU Alex 0 0 1
Canterbury 3 STRINGER George 0 0 1
Canterbury 7 BURDEN Archie 0 1 1
Canterbury 9 DEVEREUX Jonny 0 2 0
Canterbury 14 SURRIDGE Will 0 1 2
Canterbury 16 MAYES Rory 0 0 1
City of York U16 Girls 17 TENCH Hannah 0 0 1
City of York U16 Girls 20 ROBINSON Chloe 0 0 1
Repton 13 BROUGH Elijah 0 0 1
Repton 44 BUTTERWORTH Arthur 0 0 1
Repton 51 BENNETT Ryan 0 0 1
Repton 57 READ Caleb 0 0 1
Repton 61 GAY Stanley 0 0 1
Repton 63 ORMOND Hugh 0 0 1
Repton 71 EWART-WHITE Rocco 0 0 1
Sevenoaks 10 NELSON Laoise 0 0 1
Sevenoaks 19 GASCOYNE-DAY Ines 0 1 0
Sevenoaks 47 WHITE Erin 0 0 1
Sevenoaks 99 READING Milly 0 0 1
Southgate 87 ROSEN Mia 0 0 1
Surbiton U16 Girls 24 DOPSON Emilia 0 0 1
Surbiton U16 Girls 70 YONGE Izzy 0 0 1
Surbiton U16 Girls 88 MOORHEAD Cecily 0 0 1
Surbiton U16 Girls 124 MURASE Saya 0 0 1
Surbiton U16 Boys 3 HAYES Sammie 0 0 1
Sutton Coldfield 10 BEETON Mollie 0 0 1
Sutton Coldfield 87 TOMLINSON Beth 0 0 2
Sutton Coldfield 95 IDOWU Damilola 0 1 1
Taunton Vale 46 BARNETT Ben 0 0 1
Taunton Vale 174 PENNINGTON Archie 0 0 1
Taunton Vale 201 MILTON Oscar 0 0 1
Taunton Vale 212 COLBOURNE Hartley 0 0 1
Team Bath Buccaneers 104 DOEL Georgia 0 0 2
Trojans 59 WILLIAMS Greg 0 0 1
Trojans 91 BROCKBANK Dylan 0 0 1
Trojans 124 STEAD Lucca 0 0 1
Trojans 193 PICKERING Seth 0 0 2
Wimbledon 19 BARR Petra 0 0 1
Wimbledon 20 HINDE Anna 0 0 1
Wimbledon 60 HEPDEN Darcey 0 0 1
Wotton Under Edge Hockey Club 33 EDWARDS Isaac 0 0 1
Wotton Under Edge Hockey Club 82 SHAW James 0 0 1
City of York U16 Boys 11 LUCAS Jack 0 0 1
City of York U16 Boys 91 GOOD Arthur 0 0 1
      0 8 51